Project Design

4- stages Project Scheme's:

The Project was divided into 4 stages as shown below:


Power Electronics Stage Calculation and Simulation

 The circuit contains a Bridge Rectifier, Buck-Boost DC-to-DC Convertor, and after all the calculation was done to find the suitable components values for the Buck-Boost DC-to-DC Convertor Or-Cad software was used to simulate the Electronic circuit as shown below:

The output voltage from the bridge rectifier circuit shown below:

The output voltage from the buck-boost converter circuit shown below:

Project Implementation:

Full wave bridge rectifier with RC circuit implementation .
1- 4 Schottky diodes
2- Capacitors, each 1000uF

The driver chip must provide at least 10v to the MOSFET otherwise a regulator will be needed.

Buck-boost converter circuit implementation
1: MOSFET (IRLB3036)
2: Schottky diode
3:Capacitor of 68uF
4:Inductor of 68uH


Testing and Improvement:

Full wave bridge rectifier with RC circuit output

Buck-boost converter output in orange color

Buck-boost converter output after twisting wires and shorten them

Improved Buck-boost converter circuit

1.      An oscillator of 8M and a 1KΩ were connected to a PIC16F84A microcontroller.
2.      A 7812 regulator was connected to the driver chip.
3.      A 7805 regulator was connected to the PIC16F84A microcontroller.
4.      A 7805 regulator was connected to the buck-boost circuit.
5.      A diode and a zener diode were connected in series to the MOSFET of the buck-boost converter to reduce the transient of the converter's output.

Microcontroller pulses



The schematic diagram for the electronic circuit using Dip Trace

The BCP Layout for the electronic circuit

Top Layer Bottom Layer